Case Management/Job Placement
The counselors at Independent Rehab Services will assist the Client with Job Readiness and Job Seeking Skills Training, education or short term training, computer training, identifying employment opportunities, interviewing skills/techniques, and a potential return to gainful employment.
Once your client is released to return to work, we can provide Case Management/Job Placement Assistance to return them back to gainful employment. Our services include creating resumes and cover letters, as well as developing interviewing skills.
Much of the working world depends on technology so we may provide individualized instruction on fundamental computer skills or identify a class at a community college or local library that can build skills for job seeking purposes.
The job application process can be intimidating, so we will assist the client in identifying which employment listings are a good match, and why some may not be the best fit. We are prepared to assist clients in completing the job application and teach them how to network in order to get in front of hiring managers and human resources professionals.
Vocational Assessment
We perform in-depth vocational assessments that will look at a number of factors to help determine the individual’s employability. A Vocational Assessment will include review of the client’s work history, educational background/training as well as medical history and physical capabilities. An Expert Vocational Opinion is then provided in several areas to include evaluation of employability, earning capacity and potential for retraining. In order to restore the client’s earning capacity, we may recommend vocational testing, academic testing, additional education or retraining.

Transferable Skills Analysis
Clients often have skills that could translate well to another vocation. One of the services we offer is a Transferable Skills Analysis, in which we review an individual’s past work history, education and training, as well as aptitude levels. We then look at the individual’s physical capabilities to help determine what employment options are possible.
The individual is then matched to job titles which may be utilized in developing a return to work/rehabilitation plan or providing opinion on employability.

Expert Forensic Testimony
Expert, ethical and effective forensic testimony services are offered by our experienced Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors who have worked on numerous cases over the last 25 years. Our counselors understand the many complex issues that go into each case. We are able to provide objective, professional testimony on Workers’ Compensation, Long Term Disability, Liability, Divorce, Short Term Disability and Social Security Disability cases and we do so with integrity and honesty.
Each case will be reviewed individually for its complexity. Our Vocational Experts will help determine the employability, earning potential, wage loss and, if appropriate, make recommendations for additional retraining.

Labor Market Survey
Our Labor Market Research is conducted utilizing the most recent job postings on the major job boards, making direct employer contacts and identifying positions through networking, job fairs, college job boards and specific employer websites. We then research wage data from the most recent statistics available on a local, state or national level and provide a snapshot of potential earnings and growth in a specific geographic area. Our research will determine if there is a Viable and Stable labor market for the injured worker.

Ergonomic Assessment/Job Analysis
The staff at Independent Rehabilitation Services can conduct a Job Analysis to assist in identifying essential functions of any position. This on-site evaluation will assess the material and non-material handling demands of work and tools/equipment utilized to carry out job duties. A comprehensive report will be prepared outlining physical demands and tolerances for use in litigation, physician review or job placement.
An Ergonomic Assessment can be a useful tool to identify ways the work environment can be adjusted to minimize the risk to injury and to maximize productivity. Workers that can perform their duties safely and comfortably are often more productive and efficient. An evaluation by a Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist will review posture, equipment and workplace design, physical demands, environment factors and technology (computer, keyboard, mouse, etc.) use and result in a report with suggestions for changes to the work environment.

Earning Capacity Assessments
Independent Rehabilitation Services, Inc.'s Vocational Experts have the skills and experience required to conduct earning capacity assessments in various venues, including personal injury, product liability, medical malpractice, wrongful death, age/gender/race employment discrimination, wrongful termination, and matrimony. They combine scientific assessment with real world job placement experience to determine a person’s ability to work and earn money based on the person’s work life expectancy.
Once liability is established, a solid earning capacity assessment objectively documents occupational loss and provides justification for demand for damages. An earning capacity assessment is part of good preparation for damages. Our vocational experts have a combined 60 years of experience conducting occupational loss and earning capacity assessments and their services are overseen by a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE).